Our Sponsor, Tested SEO Training, is an 8-week intensive program focusing on actionable strategies using tested data to deliver proven, tangible, repeatable results. No newbies, just SEO Rockstars need apply.
This year is going to be a doozy! And as always, I pride myself on seeking out the "underground ninjas" that are out there doing some really amazing things but don't leave their bat caves much. I love luring them out and having them share all of their goodies. And this year was no exception.
I combed the Internet and asked all my Connections who were the best SEOs that are already using AI-driven strategies, innovative tools, and cutting-edge techniques. And what I found has blown my mind! What they are going to show you will soon reshape the SEO landscape. And I'm not just talking about AI writing content. Oh No! There is much more going on and if you aren't HERE you WILL be left behind. But that's ok, we need ditch diggers too. ;-)
This is a 3-Day EARLY BIRD Special while I get all the speaker info and agenda together. After that, it will obviously be more expensive, so get your tickets NOW!
Dori Friend
Founder, SEORockstars
It is 100% jam packed with SEO Knowledge Bombs. You will hear things you have never heard about before. We will be busting SEO myths and delivering SEO Test results and Case Studies that will only be shared at the event.
SEO Brainiac
Founder, SurferSEO
AI Master
The Correlation Master
Closing the Big Deals Leader
AI Master
AI Specialist
SEO and AI Frontiersman
AI with Social Media
Marketing Director - Gaming Venues Ltd
SEO/Co-Founder - Witcher Consulting
Getting Customers
Founder - Tested SEO Training
A.I. Media Specialistl
CTR Geekss
The SEO Godfather Himself
Lead SEO Dan Kurtz
Founder - Enleaf
Enterprise SEO SuperStar
Founder - Black Swan Media
Your Host
Magic PR
Dear SEO Extraordinaire,
Let's be real...
I admit I love hearing the "science" of SEO... listening to Google conspiracy theories... and the latest search engine gossip sucks me in more than an episode of Orange is the New Black...
But I don't base my rankings around the theory & gossip and I certainly don't base my business around it... because in the end, it's all worthless.
I only base my SEO strategy on what is
Since 2011 when Panda started smashing up and eating web businesses, it's been a SEO blood bath, but unlike thousands of people who left SEO, or the dozen of guru's that have popped up since then, my buddies and I have made it through and are STILL HERE. And..
And the only thing I can tell you is that you have GOT to test because I can honestly say that my buddies and I are on the "bleeding" edge of it AND have documented data that goes against everything that Google tells us! Crazy stuff! (and I know, right? Google not telling us the truth?) CRAZY, CRAZY STUFF!
Come and hang out with the Speakers
On October 26th, the day before the main conference, the speakers, myself, and other VIP guests come together for what I like to call, "A Day of Mischief, Maheam & Madness." And just like in the old days...
It's a day of Camaraderie.
It's a day of Connections.
It's a day of Building...
It's a day of Knowledge.
It's a day of Festivity.
It's a day of Expansion...
But most of all, it's a day of Tribute!
It's my way to thank the speakers to come in from the wild to share their tales of the Revolution that is happening.
Come join us in the adventure.
three days
(EARLY BIRD)$2,297
-vip day-
with speakers
(Oct 26th With Speakers)$2,997
-SEO package-
60 Site PBN
(EARLY BIRD)$10,000
This is a small conference. We keep the size of the group small so it's an intimate experience that let's you get connected. At least 50% of attendees in the audience are this years speakers, or have spoken in the past.
~ The caliber of our group cannot be overstated. ~
This is being put on by the founders of the SEOIntelligence Agency, so you know you are going to get the LATEST scope on what is working and what is not.
And because of that, I chose Speakers whose SEO practices and the SEO information they give out correlate with our tests findings. We have done well over 700 tests so we know when someone is bullshitting or not.
You will get information that is:
It is hard to describe but once you have been to an SEO Rockstars event you will “get it” and say "Oh, yeah. Dori DID say it would feel like this; no snooty people allowed."
For me, personally, some of the most important people I've met in this business have come from my SEORockstar events and I know, for a fact, I would not be where I am today without those contacts.
Dori Friend
P.S... 12 years, I can hardly believe it! I mean, that is a loooong time!
Each year I say I am not doing it again; it costs a lot of money and is a lot of hard work to put on a purely PITCH-free event, but every single year I start hearing from people checking in to see when they can buy their early bird tickets and convincing me that I HAVE to do it again! So here I am. 11 years later. lol
P.S.S... Over the years, there have been many attempts to knock-off SEORockstar's honest, down-to-earth, SEO vibe. I've even heard of the others telling their prospected attendees that "their" event will be, or is, better than SEORockstars. All I can say, it's a great feeling to be the founder of "the" event to beat. :)
I guess that's why our attendees keep coming back!